Sunday, September 2, 2012

40k project

So I got me a starter box of the 40k dark vengeance with the intent of painting all the dark angels to sell and hopefully pay for the entire box. So I get my chaos for free! Well that's the intent at least
Just letting the few followers know what I'm up too, I'll be updating the status on here thought the process. Also to get the most I can I will try and complete them all in about a week he he here we go! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

working on the new yard decor...

So this tree feel in my yard during that big storm a couple weeks back, so I decided to do something with it. Some sort of giant sculpture maybe several snakes or a bunch of geometric shapes. Either way I started to shape it today since I was sort of really bored after getting my welder.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Icarus progress

His face is almost done! Just need to finish polishing it then I can start on the body!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012


So this is what I've been working on the last couple of months. Its a steel statue of Atlas.  It is a reflection of the system that is hold up the world.

I'm working on my Arcanist army for malifaux and if I get around to it I'll get some WIP shots put up.