Friday, March 11, 2011

Some WIP's

Ok so here are some things I've been working on lately.
Firstly that's one of my mordheim characters, secondly a ogre hero and a doomwheel (the only thing left on the doomwheel is the banner)
Then my workspace a whole lil crouded but oh well.
Then thats about a quarter of the skaven hoard that I have built up only about 40 models fully painted.

The last two are my plague catapult that I finished about a month ago, Pictures don't really do it justice.

So thats kinda what i've been working on at least at home.  Hope to make some progress this week as it is now spring break.

At school I've finished my surveillance tower "The watcher" and have moved on to a pop-up book. Pics coming soon.
I also have someone interested in buying my tower. So i'm pretty stoked about that.

Out for now

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Big Brother Tower WIP

My big brother observance tower is coming along quite well. who knew it would be such a slow process cutting and gluing cardboard.
4 cameras Check
Tower Check
Mic, Sign, and speakers to go
Nearly done!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First and foremost

Ah yes after weeks, ok months of thinking I finally came up with a name for this unit.

The Black Pillar
For those of you (no one yet) who don't know or have any clue its skaven related.
Still clueless its from the warhammer world.

This for now shall be painting/ art projects I will be working on. minis and alike.
I most likely will create some tutorials on here as well of things I found work well.

Now to figure out how to use this thing.
Thanks for bothering....